Sunday, April 15, 2012

F is for Football

The whole purpose of trying to do this blog came as a result of my love for Michigan football. It's the first football that I ever watched. It's the football I know best. And historically it has been some of the best.

The team is the winningest program in college football history. I know that others are striving to catch up, such as Notre Dame. But in my opinion, ND has a lot of work to get done before that could ever happen. Sure, Michigan had a slump for a few years (*cough cough* Rich Rod era), but under Brady Hoke that all seems to be changing.

Michigan football also leads the Big Ten conference in wins and has been televised more than any other NCAA team, according to the Michigan Football Traditions page on It is one of the more exciting teams to watch, and yes I am biased.

They have often been National Champions and have a team record of 33 consecutive bowl games. And of course, their home field is The Big House, which seats over 127, 000 people. Games are quite often sold out. That alone proves how dedicated fans are to their Wolverines and the excitement that Michigan football brings.


  1. I'm not a big football fan, but I do enjoy watching football sports movies:)

    Happy A-Zing!

  2. Greetings to a fellow Michigander! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at
