Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for Big House

You can't talk about Michigan football without mentioning the Big House. It is the largest venue in college football. In fact, I believe it is the largest sports venue of all. It is an impressive sight to behold.

When you are watching a home game on the TV, you can see how ginormous the Big House actually is. About 120,000 people can fit in the seats, but there is no such thing as a bad seat. Some people are lucky enough to have actual individual seats. The rest of us resort to sitting on a metal bench during the game. But when the action is hot, you aren't even sitting, anyway. What is amazing is how it doesn't seem so intimidating once you are actually there watching the game.

When you arrive at the Big House, you are greeted with all kinds of vendors. All kinds of food is available to consume. One of my favorites is Mr. Spot's. I am partial to them because there is also a location in Bowling Green, where I went to school. You can go shopping for souvenirs at the M Den. That is where I bought my earrings, glass and t-shirt.

There is a general air of excitement, without being obnoxious. Students and fans are super excited, but no one is really rude. When I took my mother, people treated us well. You see families as well as students. It is a community.

Sure, traffic can easily turn into a big clusterf*ck, but residents and police are seasoned veterans at directing the traffic. I don't think it really was too bad in either direction when we went. We elected to save money and simply park in someone's yard for a couple of bucks. I was amused that his hometown was actually a suburb of Rochester. The odds of that happening are quite large, I am sure.

I still get chills when I watch a home game on TV. I hope to have a chance to visit the Big House again.


  1. Hi Andrea, thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I actually used to live in Michigan.

    Enjoy the challenge!

  2. When I hear Big House, I think cell blocks, barbed wire, and armed guards, LOL.

    Stopping by from the A-Z Challenge, blogging at Ross County Roundup and Write, Wrong or Indifferent.
